FUEL Coaching Model

Background to the FUEL model The FUEL model comes from by John Zenger and Kathleen Stinnett and explored in their book “The Extraordinary Coach: How the Best Leaders Help Others Grow”. Many coaches use ‘coaching models’ to help frame their coaching...

The PRACTICE Coaching Model

Abintus Coaching Resources This PRACTICE model by Stephen Palmer combines problem identification and a solution focused approach. A simple and logical model for coaches to use. Background This PRACTICE model originated from work done by Wasik (1984) who...

Comparison of Coaching Competencies

Abintus Coaching Resources With different coaching governing bodies existing it isn’t quick to compare and contrast their coaching competencies. Here is a quick overview of the leading three bodies. Governing bodies For the purposes of this resource we have...

Coaching vs Counselling Comparison

Abintus Coaching Resources Coaching and counselling lie on the same continuum, along with training and mentoring. Like counselling (therapy) coaching is also seen as a talking therapy. However there is a clear separation between the two of them, with some overlaps....

Coaching vs Mentoring Comparison

Abintus Coaching Resources A common question I get asked is about the difference between coaching and mentoring. Indeed it forms a fundamental part at the start of our coaching workshops. A good way of showing this is through a simple comparison table. Comparison...