by ab-intus | Sep 19, 2019 | Tools, Useful Coaching Information
Abintus Coaching Resources Whether we are aware of them of not, we all have values and beliefs that guide our thinking and behaviours. For coaches, aware of their values and beliefs informs how they coach and work with their clients. Similarly, organisations have...
by ab-intus | Sep 18, 2019 | Tools, Useful Coaching Information
Abintus Coaching Resources Coaches get so engrossed in their client work they often forget about themselves and their coaching development. Using a SWOT Analysis enables a coach to examine themselves and their coaching practice in a moment in time. As a result, they...
by ab-intus | Sep 16, 2019 | Tools
Abintus Coaching Resources Relationships are key in for clients achieving what they need for themselves and their teams. When relationship issues arise clients often only look at the situation from their perspective. The Meta Mirror tool allows clients see...
by ab-intus | Jul 24, 2019 | Tools
Abintus Coaching Resources One of the critical roles of coaching is about developing the self-awareness of the client. Them becoming more aware of their thoughts, feelings, behaviours, work, emotions and experiences. A key way of achieving this is through the...
by ab-intus | Jul 4, 2019 | Tools
Abintus Coaching Resources Scaling gets the coachee to think more deeply in the areas being scaled and it allows for increases in self-awareness. For the coach, it provides some valuable insight into the coachee, their situation and thinking. Using scaling in coaching...
by ab-intus | Jul 4, 2019 | Tools
Abintus Coaching Resources Building on the resource on ‘Using Silence in Coaching’ there are further areas around silence that can be looked at and considered in your coaching practice. Considerations around Silence Silence can occur at different points in coaching,...