by ab-intus | Jan 13, 2022 | Coaching, Leadership, Management
I have delivered hundreds of leadership workshops in my years. The phrase that still crops up with scary regularity which I believe is fundamentally floored and damaging is ‘constructive criticism’. No matter how much progress we have made in investing in...
by ab-intus | Oct 22, 2020 | Leadership, Management
Any research on the web around teams reveals the issue of trust is always in the top 5 problems cited in teams. Often it is the number one issue. Google’s Aristotle Project found that psychological safety was what mattered the most in how the team worked...
by ab-intus | Feb 12, 2020 | Coaching, Management
Change versus Transition The concept of change is often misused. It is used to encapsulate everything associated with it. Change isn’t transition and vice versa. William Bridges in his book Transitions: making sense of life’s changes presents a clear difference...
by ab-intus | Jul 3, 2019 | Management
Giving and receiving feedback is one of the most important aspects of being a good leader. But many managers and leaders really struggle with this aspect of the job. Here are some of the main reasons why leaders may not be giving regular, consistent feedback. Why is...
by ab-intus | Jul 3, 2019 | Leadership, Management
So you have a set of good managers, but how do you get them to become leaders? As a senior leader you have a key role in nurturing them, helping them to become leaders of people and organisations. But how do you get them to make that transition? Here are some idea...
by ab-intus | May 23, 2019 | Management
Senior leaders often express frustration, wishing their managers would spend more time managing and leading their teams and less time micromanaging and firefighting. As a workplace coach, I often come across this problem. My discussions with line managers reinforce...