People development may not be every businesses top priority at the moment. Many organisations at these times see people development as a cost rather than an investment. Or there are more ‘important things to deal with’. Not recognising that undertaking development directly affects employee mental health and wellbeing. At these times, when there is a temptation to put off development, the value and impact that comes from development is far greater than simply skill and behaviour growth. Development is an agent of wellbeing.
The ways people development supports mental wellbeing
Personal development activities impact on areas of psychological experience that promotes mental wellbeing. Time structure, social contact, collective effort and purpose, social identity and regular activity are critical for positive mental wellbeing.  Enabling employees to become more skilled, confident and effective reduces pressure, increases productivity and develops resilience. All vital for your business! Breakdown components of development and you can readily see how mental wellbeing is affected:
- Feeling invested in and valued by the organisation.
- Changing focus away from immediate negative feelings and situations.
- Developing skills and behaviours to manage self in situations.
- Providing an opportunity to highlight the impact and value they bring to self and others.
- Spending time with others also wishing to learn and develop themselves.Â
- Encouragement through positive feedback and input from the trainer.
- Developing action and proactivity around personal change.
- Sharing and discussing experiences with others.
- Ideas to help resolve specific workplace situations.
- Identify opportunities to change how they think and feel about themselves and how they behave.
- Opportunity to be in more control of their own workplace situations and thinking and therefore motivation and self-esteem.
- Creation of a safe space to discuss areas of challenge and struggle.
- Be amongst people in similar situations.
Not just about formal development
Leaders often forget that any form of positive interaction and development with employees will support employee mental wellbeing. It’s not always about formal interventions. Leaders should look for and encouraging daily opportunities to do this. Through the lens of development this can include:
- Manager involvement – time investment, coaching, feedback, support, setting and reviewing development objectives.
- Individual research, reading and application.
- Peer to peer coaching and mentoring.
- Bringing individual learning to a group and sharing.
- Action learning initiatives.
- Promoting and discussing podcasts and video clips.
- Team problem-solving discussions and activities.
- Individuals sharing and discussing a learning for them.
- Leader sharing their own learning and prompting discussion in the team.
- Team development conversations during team meetings.
- Team learning book club.
Ensuring your trainers have the right approach
For development to make a positive difference the trainers are at the heart of this. Organisations should ensure their trainers set measurable objectives, which help to show improvement and changes for delegates. Use coaching language and behaviours to increase delegate self-awareness and identify opportunities to change. Consciously bring mental health language into sessions, where appropriate. Empower delegates to identify what they can control and change in their roles and work. Create opportunities for delegates to share and collaborate. Offer genuine 121 support, not just pay lip service to it. Encourage delegates to maintain their learning outside of the training with their peers and team leader. Share learning resources, ideas and links with delegates. Offer support to delegates who might demonstrate poor mental well-being, or reference organisational support services as appropriate. All these are marks of a quality trainer.
Finally, if delegates do express concern over their own mental well-being showing empathy and sharing their own experiences if appropriate may reassure delegates.
People development and dispersed working
The Covid crisis and subsequent lockdowns have presented challenges and opportunities for people development. All aspects of people development initially ceased or reduced as companies reacted and adapted to the ever-changing situation. As organisations tried to embrace remote working increasingly there were articles and cases showing how virtual working and isolation was affecting peoples mental wellbeing. On the flip side, the crisis has sped up the embracing of virtual communication and collaboration tools such as Zoom, Skype, Teams, Mural and Jamboard etc.
As we are experiencing, significant amounts of training and coaching can be done virtually. And, it is proving more effective virtually than initially anticipated. People are now more embracing of the ‘virtual classroom’. Many crave some form of mental stimulation or change. As familiarity with virtual increases, so experiences using it can be created to enable challenging and powerful learning opportunities.
Similarly the amount of learning and development opportunities that exist on-line are at their highest level, ever. Though it might seem counter intuitive, these are the times recognise the complete value of and invest in people development.
Role of leaders in people wellbeing and development
Leaders, don’t underestimate your role and place in enablement, empowerment, support and change. It is at times like these that your authenticity and integrity has to shine. Yes you still have to deliver for the organisation, absolutely. But how you show up everyday, how you engage and how you help others achieve transforms employee’s lives. The majority of leaders never fully realise the power and gifts they have towards those they lead. Developing and investing in others is one of the simplest yet most transformational opportunities you have. In embracing and enabling development you impact at the very core of your employees. This in turn directly impacts upon you and your teams deliverables. Even by just initiating a team discussion about development and learning will provide insight into its holistic value.
So leaders, what is your agenda toward employee development and wellbeing? What difference are you going to bring to those you lead?
Nick Howell is a coach, leadership and team trainer. Through his development he brings insight, challenge and change to individuals and teams. influencing thing and behaviours to inform performance and growth. Do you have a leadership or team development need or issue? Want to transform how you lead? Get in touch today for a free chat and explore! or 07867 785314.