Training & Development with Abintus
We don’t just deliver training…
We bring challenge and change!
Yes, we deliver training. But before the training we work with you to understand your challenges, needs and culture. We then use this to inform training content, approaches, styles and desired outcomes. Our training is combined with coaching, facilitation, organisational context, personal challenge, then mindset and behaviour examination.
Why do we take this approach? We believe that for employees and leaders to make a difference in the workplace and to overall performance, they need to become part of the development and learning process, not just fed information and models.
By sharing ideas, considering context, examining the skills, behaviours and the future state coaching is used to achieve greater sustainable personal change and transformation.
All of our training and development can be delivered face to face or virtually.
Here are some examples of what we can offer to you and your employees:
Leadership Development
Abintus has proven experience at developing and delivering impactful leadership programmes training for Team leaders, middle and new leaders across multiple sectors.
Having worked with ILM and CMI qualifications we have a clear understanding of what works when nurturing your leaders.
Effective Leadership is the backbone of an organisation
Frequently what occurs is that leaders resort to what they are comfortable with, maintain a doing mindset and don’t utilise the expertise of their employees. They spend their time ‘in the weeds’ rather than looking forward.
- Are your people leaders leading their people?
- Are they doing and not leading?
- Are they showing the behaviours and language you need them to be?
The Best Skills, Knowledge and Behaviour
Leadership development is not about having ALL the skills and knowledge out there. It is about having the appropriate capabilities that make a difference to themselves and their employees.
Our training is challenging, stretching & transformational!
Abintus focus on building blocks of core leadership. Using over 20 years of experience to bring best practice, ideas, techniques, examples and models to develop new mindsets and behaviours around leadership.
The development we undertake is challenging, stretching and transformational.
Our most commonly requested development is shown in the below:
“Thank you for the training last week, it was genuinely thought provoking and is already influencing my day to day practice with colleagues and clients.” NM
Developing Your Team
The Purpose of a Team is to Deliver Performance!
Yet how often do you find that your teams lack direction, effective communication, motivation, purpose and even fundamentals like trust are missing?
- How often are you or you managers having to get involved in team issues, team working, or even in doing some of the team’s work themselves?
- How often do you see your teams just coasting rather than achieve the potential you know they have?
- These are all signs of an under-performing team.
Imagine how it would be if trust was regained within your team…
It doesn’t have to be like this. Imagine if your teams openly communicated, provided feedback and supported each other, all working in the same direction at the same time. Imagine high levels of autonomy and where conflict is embraced and utilised. All this supported by absolute trust between them.
- How would that change the team’s dynamic and performance?
- How would you feel about that?
- What would it bring them as a team?
- What difference would this make to you and your teams that you don’t have currently?
Bringing change by putting your team at the heart of the solution
Abintus’ team development and training brings change by putting the team members at the heart of the solution.
We offer both individual training workshops for the team, or work with the team and team leader to transform team behaviours, approaches and performance.
We don’t just look at the individual members, but also the systems of the team and the systems in which the team operates.
“Thank you so much for your help and support throughout the process. It’s been tough amid the demands of the wider change activities within the organisation, thoroughly an enjoyable and rewarding experience.” EC
Development Tools
Abintus use a range of development tools and approaches to support and enable training and learning experiences. They bring greater understanding of issues, opportunities and begin to help nurture solutions.
To help delegates understand themselves and their teams better and to provide valuable development information Abintus use:
- DiSC behaviour assessment tool for understanding personal preferences, communication styles, raising self-awareness, improving team work and reducing conflict.
- Lencioni’s Team dysfunctions to identify strengths in team trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and team results.
- Working Genius to identify employee’s team strengths and roles they play within the team. Alignment to these increase employee engagement, motivation and productivity.
A Practical Approach to Facilitate Change
You may not know how to dig deeper and understand what is going on beneath the surface of the team. Most leaders aren’t trained to undertake this or have the mechanisms to hand to facilitate change.
Tools to Provide Insight
Development tools and approaches provide a neutral space and non-judgmental perspectives on individuals and teams. They provide insight that one person alone cannot bring.
Subsequently they allow conversation to develop with the team for they themselves to explore the outputs from the tools and develop healthier ways forward.
We use these to examine and unpack a situation, enabling conversation, debate, understanding and growth.