Employee and Team Training

Build a High-Performing Team
with group or one-to-one skills training

Abintus Employee and Team Training builds the foundations for high-functioning teams and employees. We’ll start by introducing the models, approaches and strategies needed to excel within the workplace and function within a team environment. Then, you’ll learn how to sustainably apply these to everyday work life.

In the workplace, high-performance is crucial. But performance is about more than just work tasks. To drive performance from yourself or your team, you need to create an environment that facilitates this. As a result, Abintus employee and skills training teaches the necessary skills to become a more communicative, effective and productive employee or team. All of which creates the ideal atmosphere to drive performance and to maximise individual and team potential.

Employee and Team Training

Could You Benefit From Training?

Abintus support individuals and teams who suffer from:

  • Poor communication
  • Lack of engagement
  • Inability to hit performance targetsTeam relationship management
  • Lack of confidence

If your team has already had some training in these areas, you might want to consider our Abintus Employee and Team Performance Coaching pathway to further hone or develop these skills.

Areas Covered

  • Working with teams to understand their team roles, how they communicate and impact of their behaviours
  • Examining where trust is in the team, causes of mistrust and how it can be developed
  • Using DiSC to understand individual personality and communication styles.
  • Learning how to relate and get the best from each other
  • Identifying with individuals how to use particular models and approaches to develop confidence
  • Discussion around interdependencies within team and how this impacts team performance.
  • Examining how teams develop and how they might stifle their own growth
  • Using the ‘5 Dysfunctions’ model to have honest team conversations and to develop healthier open working relationships
  • Learning to view conflict as an opportunity rather than a threat

Benefits Received

  • Increased team and self-awareness
  • Increased ability to hit performance targets
  • Improved team productivity
  • Understanding of how individuals consciously and unconsciously impact on colleagues.
  • Improved team communication centred around positive language and behaviours
  • Increased conscious focus on utilising each other’s natural styles and abilities
  • Increased relationship awareness
  • Ability to develop sustainable tools and approaches for solving team issues
  • Decreased occurrences of negative team behaviour and situations
  • Increased ability to apply theories and strategies to actual team life
  • Increased examination of team development
  • Ability to identify and prioritise behaviours and actions that support team growth.
  • Increased communication between team and manager, with team ability to request what they need from their leader

Abintus Individual and Team Training Courses

All Abintus individual and team training courses are offered via internal training. These training courses can be delivered as half-day, one-day or ‘express sessions’ depending on objectives and desired outcomes. Abintus training courses are run through a mixture of PowerPoint and hands-on experiential learning.

Training Areas


  • DiSC team behaviours analysis and relationship development workshops
  • Understanding, leading and working with teams through change
  • Train the trainer
  • Presenting with impact
  • Team development
  • Managing conflict
  • Influencing
  • Ideas generation
  • Self-management and self-efficiency
  • Leading and managing meetings
  • Edward de Bono’s Six Hats workshop – team and meeting effectiveness

Whether you’re an Employee, a Team Member, or a Leader Abintus can support you...

Performance-Focused Workplace Coaching and Training

Get in touch to reach your true performance potential