Abintus Coaching Resources

The CLEAR model was developed by Peter Hawkins in his book ‘Creating a Coaching Culture’. His model differs from GROW as it provides more of a framework in which to carry out coaching. It doesn’t need specific types of questions. It is ideal for individual coaching session and the wider coaching assignment.


The purpose of this stage is to develop an understanding and agreement on how both parties are going to work together including:

  •  Logistics Relationship
  •  Confidentiality
  •  Role of coaching
  •  Frequency
  •  Duration
  •  Roles and responsibilities
  •  Stakeholders
  • Feedback
  • What the coach is looking for from the coaching

This is also about establishing the outcomes that the coachee wants to achieve from the coaching. There may be no pre-determined work goals. The coachee is encouraged to bring a new work situation to each sessionThis phase is done at the start of the coaching process, at each session, and when there are any changes to the relationship or situation.


If asking quality questions takes practice, then so does listening. Listening with your whole being, without agenda or bias. Pick out what is said and missing, listen for themes, thoughts and feelings to understand the bigger picture. Listening to both them as people and their particular view of the world. Demonstrating empathy to their situation will lead to building rapport and trust.


Use open questions to identify where the coachee is at and what is going on for them. Picking out specific areas, going deeper with questions, fleshing out more detail. In doing so raising more self-awareness and learning.

This area is also about challenging thoughts, feelings, assumptions and practices of the coachee. Not to ‘finger point’ but to develop an understanding of behaviours and circumstance.

Exploring areas of development, opportunity and change towards their particular goals and objectives.


Once you have gained a wider understanding of the coachee, their situation and outcomes, actions are needed. Teasing out focus and actions will bring about change and movement towards their goals.


During and at the end of the session, check in and understand where the coachee is at with their thoughts, feeling and consideration of progress and change. Then, gain buy in to action and timeframes. Remember to use reflection as a tool to gain deeper insight from the coachee.

Questions linked to the GROW model are useful in the CLEAR model. It is simply that CLEAR doesn’t have specific sections for specific questions. The questioning approach is more fluid and relaxed.

Additionally, CLEAR is also used as a stepping stone from GROW. Or, a way of structuring a conversation where there is no obvious goal.

Finally, a confident coach will be able to use a range of models and approaches as the coachee and the situation requires. CLEAR provides the developing coach an opportunity to broaden their repertoire.

If you have found this resource useful, contact Abintus to see how we can further support you or your organisation in its coaching and leadership activities.