Are you being an Authentic Leader?

Are you being an Authentic Leader?

We are all authentic leaders, aren’t we? All of the time and with our teams? Probably not. In my experience of developing and coaching hundreds of leaders, many leaders often wear a ‘cloak of leadership’. Something that is put on them by their organisations, or they...
How much trust is there in your team?

How much trust is there in your team?

Any research on the web around teams reveals the issue of trust is always in the top 5 problems cited in teams. Often it is the number one issue. Google’s Aristotle Project found that psychological safety was what mattered the most in how the team worked...
Coaching – executive privilege or employee right?

Coaching – executive privilege or employee right?

Executive coaching has origins in the 1940-60s. Senior managers were offered counselling by organisational psychologists to excel in their work. It really took off in 1992 after John Whitmore published his book Coaching for Performance. Executive coaching has become a...
Understanding different types of coaching

Understanding different types of coaching

Coaching is commonplace in many organisations. However, there is a multitude of types of coaching, each with slightly different purposes, clients and approaches. I attempt here to provide some clarity between the types of coaching and a purity to each. I recognise...