by ab-intus | Sep 18, 2019 | Useful Coaching Information
Abintus Coaching Resources Development planning is a key part of a coaches role. It helps formalise and plan their own development. It also helps them formulate conversations with coachees, enabling their development planning. A simple document to structure the...
by ab-intus | Sep 16, 2019 | Supervisor Experiences
Abintus Coaching Resources If there is one area which creates huge panic in new coaches is when they get presented with a huge topic or goal by the client. They wonder how they are going to coach this area. They become like a ‘rabbit’ in the proverbial...
by ab-intus | Sep 10, 2019 | Supervisor Experiences
Abintus Coaching Resources In my experience of supervising people through their coaching qualifications, on the whole when contracting is done, it is done to a reasonable standard. And gets bette right practice. However I notice themes coming out where there is...
by ab-intus | Sep 10, 2019 | Supervisor Experiences
Abintus Coaching Resources Once the coach gets the hang of it, I find when supervising coaches that they do their contracting reasonably well. They develop their own style and approach. What I do experience though is that new coaches often don’t contract or have...
by ab-intus | Sep 10, 2019 | Supervisor Experiences
Abintus Coaching Resources It is common for coaches to explore client situations from the client’s perspective – experiences, observations, thoughts, feelings, expectations etc. What I notice a lot is that coaches not exploring wider situations, perspectives,...