Abintus Coaching Resources
Having some kind of process or template can make the reflection process easier. It also allows some logical thinking to the exercise. Consistent use of a template allows for themes and trends in coaching practice to be observed. The below format is one example of what a coach can create for themselves.
Session details
Coach Name:
Coach / client identifying code or initials:
Session Date:
Session Duration:
1. Exactly what happened and why did it happen that way?
Capture here:
- What you tried. Approaches used. How they worked.
- What stood out about your practice?
- What you noticed in the session about you and the coachee / client
- What were you thinking and feeling during the session?
- What feedback did the coachee / client share with you?
2. What were the learning points from this experience?
Capture here:
- Having reflected on my session, what stands out?
- What have I learnt about myself from this session?
- What themes do I see emerging in my coaching practice?
- What themes do I see in my questions and question style?
- What have I noticed about my coaching relationship?
- How am I feeling about how the session went, and why?
- What am I comfortable and not comfortable in with my coaching?
- What does the coachee’s feedback tell me about me and my coaching?
3. How will I apply this to my future coaching practice?
Capture here:
- What do I need to keep doing in my practice?
- What do I need to reduce or stop doing and why?
- Where and how do I bring about the changes to my coaching?
- What specifically do I need to alter?
- How will I ensure that I embed the changes?
Practicing reflection is an enabler of personal and professional growth as a coach. Reflection allows the coach to be a continual learner for the benefit of themselves and their clients. If you have found this resource useful, contact Abintus to see how we can support you or your organisation in its coaching and leadership activities.